Frequently Asked Questions
2. Is this tried and tested technology?
Yes, it is! The first absorption heat pump was invented in 1858, and has been used in larger applications, both heating and cooling, ever since. And highly efficient gas burner technology has been around for decades. So, it’s a combination of systems that have been used for many years. The GAHP itself has been fitted in all kinds of applications for the past decade, thoroughly tested and put through its paces. It is only recently, however, the technology has been scaled down to fit for domestic applications. GAHPs are a safe, effective and highly efficient means of adding renewables to older homes.
3. How will the system look in my house?
Actually similar to an electrical heat pump. If the source is air, it can be a Monobloc fully outside placed, a Split, part outside, part inside your house and if the source is brine, it will be fully inside mounted.
4. What changes will need to be made to my existing heating system?
The answer is: that depends! Because every home is different and has individual requirements, the GAHP system that is installed will be designed and specified for your particular home. Depending on the model, it can be outside mounted, inside, or a mix of both. The good news is that you’ll be able to keep your existing radiators, so there will be limited upheaval of pipework through your home.
5. How much does it cost to install?
It’s very difficult to give a precise cost for installation because there are so many variables when it comes to heating systems and older homes. However, you could expect to pay somewhere in a range of a premium electrical heat pump. But the good news is there are all kinds of grant funding streams available to help you move to a more efficient and renewable heating system. The area where you live will dictate what financial support is available.
And remember, it’s not just the cost of installation you need to consider. Because your system will be using 30% renewable energy and be incredibly efficient, you will be saving 30% on your actual energy bills.
6. Are there any grants available to offset the costs?
Yes, there are. What’s available to you depends on where you live, but grant funding to support the switch to renewable heating is available. Many governments and councils recognise the importance of renewable heating systems in their drive to become net zero emitters of carbon, so are making money available to assist with the necessary changes.
7. How much energy will I save in a year?
You will save anywhere between 30% and 50% in energy a year, depending on what system you are replacing with a GAHP. If your current boiler is a very old one, you’ll save more energy than if you’re replacing a newer condensing boiler. Of course, it’s important to state that energy savings are dependent on how often, and for how long, your heating system is running, as well as how hot you like your house and the amount of hot water you use. The bottom line is you’ll definitely make energy savings – but how much is really up to you!
8. Can I learn more about how the technology works?
If you’ve looked at all the pages on this website, but would still like to know more, you can watch this informative video about the system. There’s also a lot of research available online, including the articles in the links below:
9. Do I need to change my utility provider?
No, you don’t. The GAHP works with any utility provider. However, some providers are offering incentives to install renewable heating systems, so there may be some benefits to switching provider.
10. Are there any instances where this technology isn’t suitable?
Not really. However, GAHPs are designed to be retrofitted to existing, older homes, where other forms of renewable heating are not possible. GAHPs are designed to operate at the higher temperatures required by a traditional heating system with radiators and a gas boiler. If you have a new home, that’s airtight and well insulated, other renewable energy heating and hot water systems would be a better choice.